
Human Resource Cultivation and Diversity

Education and Training

Mainly focusing on OJT (On the Job Training), our company provides hierarchy-specific and role-specific training to keep up the motivation of our employees and help them to further increase their expertise. The hierarchy-specific training mainly consists programs such as training for new employees, training for medium-level employees, management training, compliance training, and coaching training. In the role-specific training, we support our employees in acquiring the knowledge and skills required to fulfill their specific role.
For human resource cultivation with regard to globalization, we are planning to implement regular TOEIC tests in order to improve the linguistic abilities of our employees. Furthermore, we encourage self-development by subsidizing examination fees and providing an incentive system for employees wishing to acquire additional qualifications.

Support for Female Employees

As a company, we are striving to provide a working environment in which female employees can comfortably work and fulfill their roles even after marrying or giving birth, while overall working towards an environment with an improved work-life balance of our male and female employees alike.
As part of this endeavor, we are planning to encourage our employees to take their paid vacation and are supporting this effort with all kinds of measures in order to increase the average rate of paid vacation taken to 80% among all of our employees.

Certificate awarded for being a Company Promoting Gender Equality Where Okayama's Women Shine

On March 1st, 2017, our company has been awarded a certificate as Company Promoting Gender Equality Where Okayama's Women Shine for being the company in Okayama City which best promotes gender equality at the workplace and provides support for female employees with regard to work-life balance.
The certification was renewed on March 13, 2023.

Certification period: From April 1st, 2023 to March 31st, 2025

What does it mean to be a Company Promoting Gender Equality Where Okayama's Women Shine

We have been certified as company promoting gender equality where Okayama's women shine because we comply with the Labor Standards Act, the Gender Equality In Employment Act, and the laws and ordinances related to childcare and nursing care leave, and have not only implemented corrective measures regarding these matters but also put active effort into providing support for female employees and providing support for male and female employees with regard to work-life balance.

Activity for promotion of taking paid vacation
Percentage of paid vacation taken
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 After 2023
Actual results Actual results Actual results Actual results Actual results Target
76% 79% 73% 77% 95% 80% and more

The number of employees in FY2020-FY2021 is significantly lower due to furloughs from work due to the poor performance associated with the Corona disaster.

Setting a day for taking several days of paid    

We have set a day in the company calendar for taking several days of paid vacation, where 3 days must be taken per year

Setting a day for taking planned paid vacation    

Every employee is to set up a plan for and take 2 days of paid vacation semi-annually (4 days a year)

Recommendation of a refreshing day off    

We are recommending to take up to 5 days of consecutive paid vacation for every 5 years of continuous service in order to refresh mind and body and maintain/promote healthiness
(More than 6 days possible including holidays)

Openly positioned posters in the company, promoting paid vacation    

Every year, we openly position posters which promote paid vacation in our company, so that this matter is brought to our employees' attention, and create an environment where it is uncomplicated to take paid vacation

Best examples (2021)
Best examples (2021)

Application of our more experienced employees' knowledge

Our company is also putting active effort into applying the knowledge of our more experienced employees.
We have set up a system that allows our employees to continue working even after reaching the age of 60, up to the age of 65. Most of our employees decide to do so and make use of this system to practically apply and pass on their rich knowledge and experience they have accumulated over the years.

Employment of foreigners

While the business environment keeps changing and globalization keeps going, we are aiming to become a company where a diverse personnel can demonstrate their skills to the fullest and are thus also employing foreigners. By employing foreign exchange students and putting the right person into the right position, we allow them to fully demonstrate their skills in order to fulfill their role, which in turn leads to a revitalization of our organization.
We also actively accept foreign technical trainees and contribute to the training of personnel who will then play a central role in contributing to the economic development of developing countries and drive forward their industrial growth. While working together, we take in each other's sense of values and mutually recognize our diversity.

Fundamental way of thinking

Ensuring the safety and health of our employees is the foundation of our corporate activities and thus one of our most important tasks. We, as a company, are trying our best to create a safe and comfortable working environment where our employees are able to work in a lively way. As a measure to achieve this, we are promoting initiatives with regard to occupational health and safety training, health checkups, workplace inspections jointly carried out by employer and employees, risk assessments, etc. based on the activities of our occupational health and safety committee. With these endeavors, we are striving to improve the work environment and face occupational health and safety in a serious manner.

Meeting of the occupational health and safety committee, taking place once a month
Acquisition of certification as company emphasizing a healthy lifestyle

In May 2018, our company has been certified as a "company emphasizing a healthy lifestyle" by the Okayama branch of the Japan Health Insurance Association due to the fact that, building on our way of thinking with regard to health management, our company has declared that we are implementing initiatives for mental and physical health management and the promotion of health within the company to extend the healthy life expectancy of our employees by committing to the health management of our employees, who are our most valuable resource, and protecting them from lifestyle diseases.
We plan to continue developing and improving our work environment through health promotion, work harder thanks to revitalization, and aim to become a company where each and every employee can work safely.

What is a company emphasizing a healthy lifestyle

The Okayama branch of the Japan Health Insurance Association has started a project to support "companies emphasizing a healthy lifestyle", whose managers carry out activities for health promotion with the goal of extending the healthy life expectancy of their employees.
This project, in which members of the Japan Health Insurance Association are involved, aims for extending the companies which implement initiatives for health management and promote health and strives to promote the health of employees in cooperation with business owners to extend the healthy life expectancy of the citizens of Okayama Prefecture and revitalize the economy.

Occupational health and safety training

In addition to implementing of training such as training at the time of entry into our company, training in case of changes regarding work details, training of foremen, etc. as prescribed by the Industrial Safety and Health Law, we also work hard to share information on hazards through hazard prevention training activities at the workplace and reports of potential hazards to create a work environment free from disasters. Also, to improve work safety on our premises, we regularly conduct training for safe operation of forklifts and aim for improving safety technology.

Presentation of examples for potential hazards
Regular Health Checkups and Health Consultations

We are aiming for the prevention and early detection of employee illness. Based on the Occupational Health and Safety Law, we carry out annual health checkups for all employees and listen to the options of our company medical officers to take corrective measures when any illnesses are found. Also, by providing regular health consultations carried out by public health nurses, we provide a place at work our employees can go to without hesitation when requiring consultation. Furthermore, we provide interviews with out company doctors for our long-term employees, to grasp and improve their health situation.

Health consultation by public health nurse
Workplace inspection

Our management and our employees jointly conduct safety patrols, checking the work environment and the working conditions of our employees, so that problems can be pointed out and improvements can be made on the spot. In addition, we are working on improving the work environment based on the results of the workplace inspections carried out by our company doctors and health supervisors.
As an effort for traffic safety, we have traffic safety upon arrival at work checked by the members of our occupational health and safety committee, striving to increase the awareness of our employees with regard to safe driving and to improve traffic manners.

Traffic safety check by a member of our occupational health and safety committee
Risk Assessment

Whenever there is a change in risk due to new machinery, equipment or work methods, etc., we conduct risk assessment with members of our occupational health and safety committee and employees of related departments. By identifying potential hazards and direct hazards of facilities, these risks are eliminated and reduced, and appropriate health and safety measures are taken preemptively. Also, we systematically carry out risk assessment for existing facilities and work methods.

Risk assessment at the workplace